Introduced in early 2021, HornWizard is a mobile and desktop application, and a portal into Celestion’s powerful horn design software. It enables the user to test a basic concept design, using just a few parameters, to determine whether particular horn specification could work in practice.
Now the application’s functionality has been enhanced and enables you to:
- design horns for Celestion’s 1.4” and 2” exit compression drivers, including the Axi2050
- refine multiple designs and compare them. Graph traces can now be compared for up to 3 designs
- specify horn length as a primary parameter
- design horns with a Circular or Elliptical mouths.
HornWizard has been developed to introduce systems engineers to Celestion’s horn design capabilities. In the app, users can reliably verify designs, quickly adjust them with different parameters and view the results in a matter of seconds.
It has been created as a WPA (Web Progressive App), usable on both desktop and mobile devices and accesses our full design software using a simplified parameter set. The app doesn’t contain any horn design software itself: it simply acts as a portal. The user can input parameters, that are processed by the in-house software with results returned to the app interface.
HornWizard is not a complete horn simulator, but uses a simplified method to produce a close estimate of directivity and frequency response. First and foremost, it’s a “reality check” to see if particular specifications can be achieved within specified constraints. It also enables the user to see how different drivers work on the horn, aiding in the driver selection process.
HornWizard is available to download for free here.
Check out a deep dive of the HornWizard app in the video below.