Does (Speaker) Size Matter?

These days, guitar speakers are available in a range of sizes from two or three inches right up to 15-inch. Smaller speakers are great for bedroom blasters and practice amps where reduced output at low frequencies can minimize sound-‘spillage’ between rooms and keep the neighbours sweet.Probably the most popular format though, is the 12-inch speaker. But with an increasing range of quality 10-inch and some interesting 15-inch speakers available, we ask: “what role does speaker size play in the relentless pursuit of tone?”

Inside the Mind of the Speaker Designer

Practically all a guitar speaker’s constituent parts contribute in some way to its sonic signature. Chief among them are voice coil, magnet assembly and cone (but also influential are the suspension, surround, dustcap, cone treatments, etc) Each of these factors interact with the others, together contributing to overall tone. These interactions, though in some cases very complex, are governed by certain principles of physics, in particular:

1. Output level (a.k.a. sensitivity) is determined by how efficiently the speaker converts electrical energy into movement of air.

2. Sound dispersion is controlled by the directional nature of high frequency sound and the tendency of certain cone shapes to focus the output signal in different ways.

3. For guitar speakers in particular, vibration ‘modes’ within the body of the cone add much of the harmonic complexity and coloration that significantly contributes to great tone.

The speaker designer uses their expertise to find the right mix of all of these factors to hit a given ‘tone target.’

Imagine we want to use a small speaker with a thin and light cone. There would be more intense vibration modes within this type of cone (compared to a cone of greater thickness, which would be more resistant to these vibrations), resulting in a richer, more harmonically complex tonality. However, use the same cone thickness with a larger diameter speaker and that cone might lack sufficient stiffness to withstand the proposed power handling, and could buckle under the force of the moving voice coil.

In this situation there would need to be some ‘trade-off’ between tonality and power handling, requiring the designer to make both musical and technical choices to reach a desirable and workable solution. An experienced speaker designer will have the capability to identify the ‘right’ choices to make in these situations, and use the opportunity to create a completely new sounding speaker.

What This Means For Tone

So we see that attributes like size, harmonic complexity, power handling and high-note dispersion are clearly linked in the design process. Over time, the 12-inch speaker has come to be regarded as having the best balance of these attributes. However, 10s and 15s can offer some alternative, interesting and even exotic flavors!

Good sounding 10s can deliver a fast, punchy sound at wider listening angles with reduced ‘boom’ on small stages. They often offer increased portability, reduced cost and the ability to push your amp into overdrive at reasonable levels without having drumsticks aimed at the back of your head!

A well-designed 15 can move more air so you can gig those wonderful little valve amps. The vocal range can be creamier, with extended low end and lots of detail and harmonic complexity. It can give surprising richness to some otherwise scratchy-sounding guitar and amp combinations.

Which Size for You?

Changing speakers can have a greater impact on tone than swapping guitar, pickup, or even amplifier. So ask yourself, why just one size of speaker? As players all we need do is select the right one according to situation, application and desire.

> For the recording or practice session: why not try a small amp through a sweet well-balanced 10.
> At your big break support gig on the city hall stage: how about a 4 x 12!
> Need to add some beef to your retro ‘plasticaster’ use your 1 x 15 cabinet.

What’s more, just as boutique amp makers have mixed different models to increase harmonic detail, why not take this a step further and mix 10s, 12s and even 15s to create that unique signature sound!

Dual Subwoofer Design (Bass Reflex)

CF1840JD Basic Parameters: Vas: 113.9; Qts: 0.44; Fs: 44.20; SPL: 98.00

Number of drivers: 2

Box type: Vented – 0.195 m length, 12.00 x 90.00 cm rectangle

Box size: 1.5 inch thickness for solid construction.

SPL inside the box at 1000w (approximate): 131 dB.
Speakers connected in parallel to obtain 4 ohms.

Check out the full design information in the attached PDF.

Build This! Dual Subwoofer

For this competition, I’ve choose to design a sub with high level capability, something that can compete with an F218 Funktion One in terms of SPL and low response. Yes, it is a great challenge with a speaker which has a Qes of 0.496, but I like challenges.

I’ve designed an hybrid horn/reflex. I’ve already built this type of cabinet: They sound right with very high level sound pressure, great dynamic. A lot of people in France love them and they are easy to build.

I use software like Akabak, Hornresp to make simulations. I well know them, they are quite accurate if properly set.

The sensitivity is 104.5dB 1w (2 volts 4 ohms) @ 1m

Theoretical maximum continuous SPL: 137.5dB and 143.5dB peak

Low response:
One cabinet :
43Hz -3dB
39Hz -6dB
35Hz -10dB
Four cabinets :
38Hz -3dB
34Hz -6dB
29Hz -10dB

Recommended high pass filter: 34Hz 24dB/oct Butterworth
Ports are properly sized to not hear air noise at high pressure level.

Carlos Santana Rig Rundown

After being retired from use for some time, Santana’s original, snakeskin-covered 100-watt Mesa/Boogie is back onstage with the master. Santana also plays through a pair of Dumble Overdrive Reverbs and a pair of Bludotone Universal Tone heads, one of which is a prototype.

The amps drive a pair of paisley-covered PRS 4×12 cabs. One cab is loaded with four Celestion Vintage 30s, the other sports two Celestion Vintage 30s and two Celestion G12-65s.

Cabinet Handbook

This handbook covers all the major kinds of cab types you’re likely to want to try and build. Anything from horn-loaded subwoofers to 4×12 guitar cabs, along with advice on dimensions, fixings materials and construction.

There are useful sections on porting and crossover design including some basic scientific theory to help you make the right choices for your application.

For more advice on choosing PA speakers, click here.

For more advice on choosing guitar speakers, click here.

Heritage Series: Re-Creating Legends

As developers of the world’s first dedicated guitar loudspeakers, many Celestion speakers have been in production for a long time, helping to define the sound of popular music along the way.

During these periods, the precise design and raw material specifications have changed to accommodate new manufacturing techniques and technologies as they have become available. Typically, the shape of the coil former might be simplified to reduce waste material, the adhesive used on the dustcap would be changed to a faster curing and sweeter smelling type, and the dustcap material itself would be changed as suppliers came and went. Magnet sizes changed when standards were altered and even the formulation of the cone edge treatment changed over time as easier-to-apply and better performing compounds were discovered.

The effect of each of these entirely worthwhile developments on the sound and response of the speaker was almost imperceptible. But taken collectively the shift was more significant, resulting in a thriving market for the limited supply of ‘original stock.’

We begin the Heritage process by deciding which ‘version’ of a speaker to re-create. Then, the exercise is to re-visit as closely as possible this example of the speaker by regressing speaker development back to its fundamental origins. In doing this, we strip away the changes like those listed above to recapture the particular tonal qualities of the speaker of that era.

The discovery of a large archive of information, drawings, blueprints, parts-lists and specifications during a factory move in 2003 proved invaluable in this process. We were also fortunate to be able to call upon the expertise of a former Celestion engineer who was able to qualify much of this archive information.

The original adhesives are no longer available, and have been superseded by modern equivalents. With some record of what compounds had been used in the early years, we are able to replicate with a reasonably high degree of accuracy the formula that would have been used at the time. Of course, the methods of application, drying time and so on are kept as close as possible to how it would originally have been.

Similarly the original edge treatment is no longer available. Thankfully, Celestion has a great deal of experience in tailoring edge treatments to specific applications and so we are able to mix a very similar sound-alike formula here in Ipswich.

The magnet assembly is critical to the tone of any speaker and any variation in magnetic flux (the amount of magnetism produced) will affect the sound. Accordingly, considerable time is spent finding exactly the right kind of magnet and perfecting the magnet assemblies, better to replicate the magnetic effect and hence the original tone.

Listening forms a vital part of the Heritage process. The objective is to replicate the tone of these speakers as they would have sounded out of the box many decades earlier but even an original sounds different as it is played in and suffers changes in humidity over time. Even so, we spend hundreds of hours in our purpose-built listening room, auditioning speakers of the era and comparing them with Heritage models in development.

We also speak to a wide range of interested and knowledgeable parties; former and long-standing Celestion engineers, customers who have used the original speakers and our Partners in Tone who, through listening and playing experience, have strong ideas about what the tonal qualities of these speakers should be. Input from Robben Ford, for example, was highy influential in shaping the final tone of the G12-65.

Finally, manufacturing and assembly processes are conducted by hand at our facility in Ipswich, England, and are largely the same as they were in the 1960s. Indeed some of the production staff have been working at Celestion for more than 30 years.

The result of this painstaking process is a range of speakers that evokes the sound of some of the most influential guitar speakers of all time. The Celestion Heritage Series currently comprises of four models; the G12M, G12H (55Hz and 75Hz version) and the G12-65.

Speaker Wiring Configurations

Replacing a speaker or speakers in your cab can be a really cost-effective way of significantly upgrading your tone. If you’re thinking of swapping out speakers yourself, then you’ve come to the right place! It needn’t be a difficult operation, but it’s important to be aware of how the speakers are connected up, as well as some of the implications of wiring up multiple speakers together. Before you get to re-loading your cab.. take a moment to read through the important background information below and get ready to take a step closer to great tone!

Single Speaker

The most basic cabinet configuration is a single speaker.

1 x 8 ohm Speaker = 8 ohm load
1×16 ohm speaker = 16 ohm load

Two Speakers

1. Match impedances (ohms) – all speakers in the same box should have the same impedance.

2. Power handling – as a rule of thumb, when mixing speaker types in a two speaker cabinet, maximum power handling is 2 x the lowest rated speaker (e.g. for 30-watt & 60-watt speakers, max power handling = 2×30-watt = 60-watt)

There are two ways you can wire a two speaker cabinet.


Series: 2 x 4 Ohm Speaker = 8 Ohm Load;

2 X 8 Ohm Speaker = 16 Ohm Load;

2 X 16 Ohm Speaker = 32 Ohm Load


Or, in Parallel: 2 X 4 Ohm Speaker = 2 Ohm Load;

2 X 8 Ohm Speaker = 4 Ohm Load;

2 X 16 Ohm Speaker = 8 Ohm Load

Four Speakers

1. Match impedances (ohms) – all speakers in the same box should have the same impedance

2. Power handling – as a rule of thumb, when mixing speakers in a four speaker cabinet, maximum power is 4 x the lowest rated speaker (e.g. for 2×30-watt & 2×60-watt speakers, max power handling = 4×30-watt = 120-watt)

There are two ways you can wire a 4×12 (or 4×10 for that matter), the main one is Series/Parallel: 4 X 8 Ohm Speaker = 8 Ohm Load; 4 X 16 Ohm Speaker = 16 Ohm Load

Power Handling: All you need to know!

Different speaker manufacturers use differing methods to determine power handling. At Celestion, every speaker is rigorously power/longevity tested using an in-house developed noise source. From this test, we find out how much power the speaker is capable of using and how much will destroy the speaker outright. By skilful analysis of the test data, we calculate a suitable power-handling figure.

The value chosen is low enough so there’s little or no risk of damage, but highenough for the speaker to fulfil the application it was designed for. It is NOT an absolute limit above which you must never go, more like a “speed limit” You can exceed the limit if you want, but it’s not recommended and if you do, theremay be trouble ahead…Generally, you can safely run a 60-watt Celestion speaker at 60 watts and it’ll keep going all day long.* Connect it up to 100 watts and it might work for anhour or more before it incinerates. “Over-power” any speaker and it’ll workfine for a while; just don’t bank on it lasting.

(* Extreme use can break a speaker at lower-than-rated power levels. Forexample a sustained drop-tuned Metalcore pummelling through vintage-typespeakers would almost certainly cause damage.)

Power Handling for Combined Speakers

If you mix different speakers with different power ratings in the same cabinet, it’s important to be aware of the combined power handling of the cabinet itself. Unfortunately it’s not quite as simple as adding together the two power handling values.

As a rule of thumb, the cabinet power handling should be calculated as a multiple of the lowest rated speaker. For example in a 2×12 containing a 60-watt speaker and a 30-watt speaker, overall cabinet power handling is 2×30-watt = 60-watt. In a 4×12 containing 2×60-watt speakers and 2×30-watt speakers, overall cabinet power handling is 4×30-watt = 120-watt.

Build Your Own Guitar Cab

Want to build your own guitar speaker cab? Here’s some useful information…
As guitar speakers are different, so their cabinets are different. The box design is acoustically less critical than that for hi-fi or PA systems, but proper construction is essential.Primarily, the cabinet is a convenient way of housing the speaker, so it should be solidly built to ensure no joint vibration (unpleasant buzzing), and be strong enough to withstand hard use. After all guitar speakers are quite heavy and amplifiers that sit on top of guitar cabs are even heavier.Guitar cabs aren’t built to provide bass extension like a PA box might, but they do perform an “acoustic” function. If the driver were used without any cabinet at all, the sound coming from the rear of the unit would cancel out some of the sound coming from the front, thereby reducing the amount of bass heard. Enclosing the the speaker inside a cabinet reduces this effect resulting in a truer bass performance that is neither enhanced nor attenuated.For illustrative purposes, a basic design for a 2×10 or 1×12 open back cabinet is shown here. To build a cabinet like this we would recommended the use of 15mm plywood with number 10 screws positioned no more than 150mm (6″) apart.

Panel joints can be simple butt-joints, screwed and glued, with reinforcing battens (you can use more sophisticated joints if your woodworking skills are up to it!) Whatever joint type you use, it is important that the whole thing is both airtight and secure.

The drivers can be mounted to the front or the back of the baffle. Front mounting makes a very simple job of dropping the speaker in or out of the cabinet. In either case it’s preferable to use mounting bolts and T-nuts to fix the driver to the baffle.

There is a wide range of speaker cabinet accessories available from specialist suppliers. Fitted carefully so as not to weaken the box or create air leaks; wheels, handles, grilles and corners all add to convenience and durability.

In summary:

  • Plywood or real wood construction is preferable
  • Strong, rigid construction means no buzzes or rattles
  • Size is not critical
  • Ensure the speaker is adequately mounted and protected
  • Avoid air leaks if using sealed box construction
CautionWe do not advise mixing different impedances of driver within the same cabinet. This can lead to uneven power sharing between speakers, causing one speaker to be overdriven and damaged, while the other is underdriven.

Thiele Small Parameters
Thiele Small parameters are useful for controlling the low frequency response of sealed or ported cabinet systems by changing the cabinet internal volume, and port dimensions. However they are of severely limited use when designing a guitar speaker cabinet.
  • Electric guitar speakers do not reproduce ‘low’ frequencies (the low E string of a lead guitar has a fundamental of 82Hz) and so the frequencies at which Thiele Small parameters have significance are mostly below the operating range.
  • Also, the parameters are measured at very small signal levels. Guitar speakers become non linear at very low levels compared to other types of speaker, greatly reducing the significance of Thiele Small parameters in actual speaker use. Using the Thiele Small parameters of a typical guitar speaker, you will find that halving or doubling the cabinet size makes minimal difference to the response.
  • They have no relevance to open back cabinets.
  • Guitar speakers are not recommended for use in ported cabinets (as the increase in cone excursion below the tuning frequency can cause the thin paper edge of the cone to tear).
Final Note
The cabinet size, shape and construction are of far higher significance than the internal volume. Cabinet design using Thiele Small parameters ignores these most fundamental aspects. Important factors include the material you make the cabinet from, the panel sizes and shapes, how they are joined, how the cabinet is finished, the mounting of the speaker, etc. These, not Thiele Small parameters are the critical factors in the design and ultimately the sound of a guitar speaker cabinet.